Friday, February 27, 2009

Shane and his Beautiful girlfriend Hayley went to the Girls Dance together on Jan 30th.  They looked so good it made his mother cry.  Or maybe that was because her little boy is growing up so fast!!!
We had a great time at Bounce U!!
How cute are these two girls!

Logan's Birthday

We had a great time at Logan's surprise party.  He had a lot of his cousins there.  Thank you Aunt Jennifer for making the trek from Goodyear. He loves you!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The All-Star Kid!

Dallin McCormies is our latest All-Star! He was selected for the basketball all-star team by the coaches in the league and is now practicing with them for the all-star game coming up. He's a great little guard and shoots the ball well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baby Jay turned one on Feb 1st! Yeah! It was a bittersweet day with delicious cupcakes made and decorated by the lovely Weslie, but we all were saddened by the near win of the Cardinals. We feel extra close to the Cards as we live a mere 10 minutes from their stadium. Well, maybe 15. Jay Bones is walking around all by his own and he was happy with the day. He got his own cel phone (his siblings are all jealous) and a rocking caterpillar and a batman car. We're enjoying a little more freedom. We've left him twice now to go to the temple and we can be gone for 6 hours or so instead of only 3. He's pretty much the perfect baby. You should all consider yourselves lucky to be his relative.